Monday 7 February 2011

CSA databases move to new Proquest platform

CSA has previously provided us access to over 60 separate databases, which could all be searched in the Nelli portal. Now these databases have been grouped into 21 larger databases and the searching no longer works in Nelli. The individual databases can still be searched on the CSA Illumina platform, by following the link in Nelli.

In a few months, however, access to the Illumina platform will cease, as Proquest (which CSA is now a part of) moves all of its databases to a new platform. After this migration it is no longer possible to search the separate databases. The new platform includes the 21 larger databases as well as 12 other databases. These can all be searched through Nelli as well as on the platform. These will be made available in Nelli as soon as possible. The old CSA databases have (CSA) in the title and the databases on the new platform are marked with (Proquest).

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