Monday 5 July 2010

Access to (Helsingin Sanomat)

We now have access to Helsingin Sanomat, Finland's biggest daily newspaper. We have access to the digital paper as well as the HS archive. The pages also include the international edition of the paper, with abstracts in English of a number of daily stories and a weekly digest of edited articles from the newspaper.

In the log-in screen select 'Yrityskäyttäjä, kirjaudu sisään tästä ›'. Then click 'Kirjaudu' after the text 'Kirjaudu Yritystunnuksella. Yhteisö: Aalto-yliopisto'.


  1. I at least would need a username and password still?

  2. If using the material remotely, you first need to log-in to the Nelli-portal. Then select HS (or Helsingin Sanomat or Hesari) from the databases and follow the link. I now also added it to the journals, so it can be found in the journal list tommorrow.

    You will always be asked to log-in when accessing restricted content in this service. But next to the log-in is a link 'Yrityskäyttäjä, kirjaudu sisään tästä ›', which takes you to another page with log-in boxes. Next to these boxes should be the text 'Kirjaudu Yritystunnuksella. Yhteisö: Aalto-yliopisto...' beneath which is a button that logs you on without any log-in details.

    Complicated, I admit, but unfortunately the only way it can be done with this service.

    Let me know if there are any further problems.


  3. Thank you for your reply! I tried it according to those instructions, however, the 'Kirjaudu'-button doesn't seem to work.
    No matter how often I click it, I always get back to the login screen. Also clicking on any of the content gives the same problem.
    Is it necessary to be inside the TKK network?

  4. Sorry! We believed we had this already sorted, but as you said, the remote user will be stuck between two log-in screens.

    We try to fix this as soon as possible. Sorry for the inconvenience!

    I'll let you know as soon as the remote access works properly.


  5. Thanks :)
    I appreciate the work - and especially your blog!

  6. Hi again,

    and thanks :)

    We unfortunately found out that the remote use of HS has been a problem to other institutions as well, and they have not been able to fix it. As now everybody is on holiday, this can not be fixed at least before August. Hopefully then we can find some solution.

    Happy summer!
